
About Me
My name is Rubitha. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
August 22, 2012.
Primary reason for rescue

Rescued from forced child labor

1st language



4th grade

School year


Favorite school subject


Career goal


Favorite color


Favorite activity


Favorite movie


My Story

Manasa and Prasad got married. Prasad was the only son in the family and had been raised solely by his father, instilling in him a belief that boys held more value than girls, fostering a gender-discriminatory mindset. He strongly desired only male heirs. Manasa was well aware of her husband’s beliefs and shared his preference for a male heir. When Manasa gave birth to a girl named Rubitha, both parents were deeply disappointed. Prasad's resentment towards his daughter and wife intensified, while Manasa blamed Rubitha for her own suffering. Rubitha received no love or attention from her family, with no new clothes, toys, or birthday celebrations. She spent most of her time at school, where her absence eventually caught the attention of teachers.

Upon investigation, the teachers discovered Rubitha's situation and informed IGP social workers. The social workers learned that the parents had pulled Rubitha out of school to work, citing financial difficulties and the belief that girls didn't need education. Despite attempts to reason with them, the parents remained steadfast until the legal consequences were explained. Reluctantly, they agreed to allow Rubitha to continue her education, averting the possibility of her falling into child labor.

If you choose to sponsor Rubitha, you will play a part in providing her with the opportunity to create a better life for herself. Under IGP’s care, she will receive a strong education, the ability to have a better childhood, and consistent care for her needs. With your help, Rubitha will begin to know that she is loved and valued.